Sunday, October 17, 2021

Biden Fights a New Enemy

This just in from the COMMIE NEWS NETWORK:

A group of men with the given name of "Brandon" have filed a class-action lawsuit against the sitting President.  It seems the meme that uses their name has caused them to be ridiculed in public and even assaulted by nefarious white supremacists.  

As we all know, white supremacists outnumber all other groups in the United States and are lurking around every corner. In fact, if you see a white person, then you're probably looking at a fascist, Nazi, or redneck hick hillbilly.

This situation has caused countless insults, assaults, and generalized depression disorders among men named Brandon.  They want everyone to know that they are also victims (even the White ones), and are due some compensation.  They claim the current sitting President is "such a fuck-up that they can't escape the shadow cast by this bumbling retard."    

We, at the Commie News Network simply don't agree.  We believe Uncle Joe is the greatest President to ever live.  But, to support these men, we encourage everyone to go out and buy a flag showing support.  Fly it high and proud.

Click below:

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